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cycle paths

The Ciclovia dei Parchi offers a number of stretches for exclusive use. These are constantly being expanded infrastructures in which the Region of Calabria is investing heavily by developing projects in all the park areas involved.

At present, the routes that can be travelled are as follows:

- Morano Calabro-Castrovillari, 6.1 km (stage 2)
Built on the route of the former Ferrovia calabro-lucana (Calabrian-Lucan Railway), this cycle path is being extended and will soon connect Mormanno to Castrovillari, passing through the former stations of Campotenese and Morano Calabro.

- Lake Ampollino, 1.5 km (stage 6)
The route skirts the lake near Trepidò.

- Villaggio Racise-Villaggio Mancuso, 5 Km (stage 6)

- Lake Angitola, 6.1 km (stage 9)

Ciclopedonale Val di Neto

Among the projects implemented by the Region of Calabria to connect the Ciclovia dei Parchi to the coast is the Val di Neto cycle-pedestrian path, which stretches about 38 km from the slopes of the Sila to the Ionian Sea, connecting six municipalities: Caccuri, Belvedere di Spinello, Santa Severina, Rocca di Neto, Scandale and Strongoli.

The trail runs along an ancient mule track that has been provided with information signs and equipped resting points, allowing visitors to fully appreciate nature and visit the historical and archaeological sites and places of worship in the Val di Neto. Dalla Ciclovia dei Parchi si può raggiungere la ciclopista partendo da Trepidò sul Lago Ampollino (tappa 6), svoltando in direzione di Cotronei (24,4 Km | + 50 m - 1230 m).

This magnificent infrastructure, built with minimal environmental impact, was awarded the 2nd Prize of the Oscar del Cicloturismo 2024.


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