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Paolo Ciaberta

From north to south, along the Ciclovia dei Parchi

Wild Calabria

When you're travelling, you just can’t expect everything to be easy and run smoothly. Otherwise, what the fuck are you going tell your friends, how are you going to make yourself look cool, how are you going to feel like an explorer and a bit of a hero, if everything’s easy? You can't just tell them you went swimming and drank a couple beers more than the usual. They’d be bored to sreams. You need the swear words, the unexpected, brushes with death, the sleepless nights and dangerous animals. Only then they’ll know you really were on the road.

 We cycled Calabria from north to south, crossing the mountains and the four natural parks: Pollino, Sila, Serre and Aspromonte. When we finally arrived in Reggio Calabria, we had travelled fivehundredsixtysevenpointtwentysix kilometres on top of tenthousonehundredninety metres of altitude difference, for a total of twenty-seven hours and fifty-eight minutes.

Reportage Paolo Penni Martelli

Laino Borgo

Catasta Pollino

Catasta Pollino

Sulle strade del Pollino

Piana Campotenese

Firmo: Santa Lucia


Valle Esaro

Valle Esaro

Valle Esaro Vigneti

Parco Nazionale della Sila

Lago Cecita: San Lorenzo

Lago Cecita




Lago Arvo

Lago Ampollino

Lago Ampollino

Lago Ampollino

Sila: Trepidò

Sila Piccola: Villaggio Mancuso

Sila Piccola: Albi


Verso Tiriolo

Tiriolo tour




Monte Covello

Serra San Bruno

Serra San Bruno: Certosa

Boschi Parco Serre

Aspromonte: Piano della Limina

Verso Canolo

Aspromonte: Rifugio Boschetto fiorito

Aspromonte gourmet

Aspromonte: ricotta

Aspromonte: Zomaro

Aspromonte: Piani Carmelia


Aspromonte gourmet


Aspromonte: panorama Sicilia

Da Ortì a Reggio Calabria

Lungomare Reggio Calabria

Lungomare Reggio Calabria


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